The main Goal of Sheba One is to serve all income level People of a country and around the World with
a reliable and accessible online health care service through social business. We believe in delivering
our valued users, patients, Patient Riders, Fitness Centers, Doctors, Labs and other partners with the
comprehensive and affordable online health care services in a timely and need basis.
Sheba One is an online platform which act as an intermediary between Customers and Health Service providers,
and connect them online for receiving and delivering Health services
Sheba Health Check:You can check your Blood pressure, Pulse, Heart rate, Breathing Rate, Diabetes and Pregnancy
by Sheba One Health Check App only by your smart phones. For this service, you need to install Sheba Health
check app from Play store. This service is developed by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Patient Rider Services:You can call Ambulance, Patient Micro and Patient Cars through this services,
it is like Uber but a dedicated service for Patients. For this service, you need to install Sheba One User
App from Play store and App store, And Riders should install Sheba One Rider App.
Online Fitness, Wellness and Virtual Reality Therapy classes and Consultation conducted by our partner Fitness ,
Wellbeing & VR Therapy Centers. For this service, you need to install Sheba One User App from Play
store and App Store. Fitness, Wetness and VR Therapy Centers should install Sheba One Fitness App.
Women Corner: We have a dedicated Women Service module for all women related services including
Women related doctors, Experts, Health products. Also, women can ask any women related question anonymously
by their native languages, This service is developed by Artificial Intelligence(AI)
Doctor booking: You can book a nearby doctor online either to visit his/her chamber or for
your home visit by a doctor. We have a large number of doctor partners across the country
Online Doctor Consultation: In addition to Physical Doctor consultation, we also facilitate online
doctor consultation, However, for this service, you need to install Sheba One User App into your smartphone.
Doctors should install Sheba One Doctor App.
Online Health care products ordering delivery from our partner health stores within average time
of 06 hours to our valued online customers within a city
Online Diagnostic Tests booking from Sheba One Associate Labs with home sample collection and
online reports sending facilities
We differ from other Health Care providers in many ways, especially, we do social business where a considerable
part of our income will be spent on various humanitarian causes of People around the world, on the
other hand, most of other health care providers are running their business for self profit or gain.
class people of any country and around the world.
We are aware of the responsibility placed on us by millions of patients and a large number of doctors.
We will do everything we can to uphold this trust of our partners
We believe in interacting openly and honestly, and committing ourselves to the highest moral standard.