Universal Tasty Saline

SkU: 1238

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Product details of Universal Tasty Saline - 20pcs

  • Tasty saline 10 Pcs
  • Product Type: Orsaline.
  • It contains 1.30 gm Sodium Chloride; 0.75 gm Potassium Chloride; 1.45 gm Tri-Sodium Citrate, Dihydrate; 6.75 gm Glucose, Anhydrous.
  • It is a type of fluid replacement used as a treatment for dehydration.
  • As our bodies made mostly of water (70%), ensuring that we always well hydrated extremely important to our well being.
  • For your body to maintain its proper balance and for it to function at an optimum level, it estimated that you need to top up with at least 2 liters per day, in addition to the all the fluids you obtain from your food.
  • Universal Tasty Saline is a special drink that consists of a combination of dry salts.
  • When properly mixed with safe water.
  • This can also help in the treatment of many diseases like diarrhea, arthritis, etc.

Specifications of Universal Tasty Saline - 20pcs

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Universal Tasty Saline -(1 box < 20pcs)


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